Megaman Presents

I'm Always Right!

First comic

Previous comic

Ah, you bastards interrupted me in the middle of my nog break. I guess you want your emails answered, then? Well, I'll do my best, but I don't like being interrupted during my nog break at ALL. With that said, I'll answer you all.

'Dear' Megaman:
Why do you wear blue underwear on the outside of your suit?

Well, 'pikachukid25', let me first help you by letting you know that Pokémon is SO ten point six seconds ago. It's all about Yu-Gi-Oh now. I suggest a screen name change to "yugikid25", or possibly, "omgwtfbbq".
As to your question, it's not blue underwear. It's a specially fitted codpiece. For keeping my cods nice and snug. It's also made of a special extra-durable material. I believe the street name is "aluminum", unless you're British and you add an I to it. Freaky British people. I'll shove my foot so far up England's ass that they'll be breathing out of their scones! Their SCONES, I say! *ahem*
Oh wait, there's a P.S. Excuse me, but whose name is up there in the big shiny glowy letters? I don't see 'omgwtfbbq Presents I'm Always Right'. Maybe there's something wrong with your vision.

There was a URL with this email to his own comic. I think I'll include it. MegaCrap. Because, according to him, all the good names were taken.

OK. You want an email so badly? OK, then. Here's your farggin' email!
1) [omitted]
2) Why is it that all of a sudden you started calling Protoman by his name the Japanese (and Japanese wannabes) use: "Blues"? And despite that, you still call Megaman "Megaman." Are you familiar with the robot phrase, "DOES NOT COMPUTE?"
3) If you were a vegetable, what kind would you be?
4) Are Xboxes the best doorstops ever?
And that is all for me. Now, shut your piehole, demmit!

This gem of wisdom comes from Agent B himself, which registers more DOES NOT COMPUTEs in me than ever, because he's in my universe and can't email me. *head explodes*

*head repairs* I'll get to your questions. Number two: It's a cooler name. I mean, come on! 'Proto Man'? That's such a geeky, uncool, not-Blues name! Can I move on now?
Number the next one: Garnish. Garnish is a vegetable! I mean, think about it! We're so similar: It's fresh and looks good on dinner plates, and I eat dinner on plates!
Number four: No, no, no. They make much better doors. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than entering my house by smashing through a wall of XBoxes and watching them fall down the crocodile pit which I've conveniently installed directly in front of the door.

When are you gonna start MM6? Also, will Bass return? What happened to Omega Wubba?

This mail comes to me from Mary [last name omitted for privacy purposes]. When will I start MM6? Don't bloody ask ME that, ask the Author! But I think his answer would just be, "Whenever the hell I feel like it". Or perhaps he would just groan and swipe at you because you're interrupting his animé.
Will Bass return? Damned if I know. For all I know, Wily could be reassembling Bass from scratch. But he never exploded. So why he would be doing that, I don't know. I guess that's why he's a mad scientist.
What happened to Omega Wubba? Omega Wubba who? Oh, wait, that bastard who killed me. Oh, his time will come, be sure of it. His time will come...

According to the rules of robotics, you must obey human orders. Shoot Bass, hug PPM, dance with Omega Wubba, eat that myserious guy who is teaching you thing's arm off.
-Your friendly annoyance, JonathanEx


Hello megaman.
As you must not harm humans, I'm safe. :-)
So, would you tell me why you are atually pink, but try to trick us into thinking you are blue?
Annoying you again, JonathanEx.


Dear megaman,
How do you type with a weapon on mass destruction on?
Once again, causing you pain, JonathanEx.

Okay, JonathanEx, you need to freakin' get a life and stop sending me all these emails. DELETED!!!

Dear Megs, Why do you bother killing the robot masters? I mean, it's not like PPM has a plot device hanging over your head forcing you to anymore. Why not just go kill whosoever is behind all this? And, also, how the hell can you control antimatter if it discharges its lethal payload upon contact with any form of matter? The energy levels required to safely contain antimatter would exceed one thousand times your buster's total payload, so where are you mustering this enormous energy? From Pikamaster

Erm...uh...well...oh, look at the time! I'd really love to answer this intriguing question, but it seems we're out of space for the first edition of I'm Always Right! So, until next time, don't ask me no questions...and I won't be getting any more emails.

Email me. I'm ready for you.

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