Where the Author gets papercuts from opening Notepad!

First comic

Previous comic

(Now more organized, and with 75% more retsin!)

The Good Guys
(The heroes and otherwise)

Megaman Current Status - On a kvest most mighty!

Everyone's favorite moron has come back to star in PPMBnGRF! His future plans include eating a lot of ice cream. Whether the Author will let him do that is a different story.

Protoman Current Status - Nobody Knows.

Megaman's brother hasn't really served much purpose so far, but more likely than not, his acting career in this comic will kick off again with a huge start.

PPM Current Status - Dead, surprisingly.

Omega Wubba killed him. How exactly can the Author die?

Bass Current Status - In a tiny screen on Megaman's Comm Link.

As with Protoman, Bass hasn't served much purpose. The Astral storyline was actually his biggest part to date.

Dr. Thomas Light Current Status - Being a pissy robot creator.

The good doctor who built Megaman, Protoman, Roll, Rush, Beat, and an onslaught of other robots. He can also bend his creations to his will, because he can program and reprogram them however he wants.

Zero Current Status - Somewhen in the future.

The Wily-built bishounen made his first appearance late in January 2002, then later in February. No other big appearances for him.

Megaman X Current Status - Somewhen in the future.

Sent from the future to the past with reinforcements for the Armageddon. They were Overdrive Ostrich (MMX2), Flame Stag (MMX2), and Blast Hornet (MMX3). Nothing much else.

The Bad Guys
(Evil, sinister, malicious, bumbling creations)

Dr. William Wily Current Status - Being evil and spying on Megaman. 

Well, we had the good doctor, now the evil one. He apparently can't come up with any original ideas, because many robots that he used against Megaman were originally Light's designs.

PPM-X Current Status - Long gone.

The first non-Wily-related antagonist introduced into the strip. PPM-X and later, X73H, started out by causing simple problems in the strip, which elevated into a semi-apocalyptic battle between everyone currently in the strip. He then appeared in the Rebellion storyline, except that he was only Megaman dressed as X73H.

Agent B Current Status - Unknown.

The mysterious Agent B was employed by Crashman to assassinate Megaman. Currently, however, nobody really knows what he's doing. I'll tell you one thing: he's not trying to assassinate Megaman.

Veran Current Status - Blown up six ways from Sunday.

Straight from The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, she was assumed to be the cause of the present's problems, but it was revealed a day later that she actually possessed the Author to gain complete control. Appeared again with X73H, but was only Eddie dressed as Veran.

Evil Author Current Status - Exorcised.

When Veran possessed the Evil Author (a la Nayru in Oracle of Ages), she gained total control of him and, thus, the comic. It's HIDEOUS! Oh wait...it's me. Well...err...the red eyes make it HIDEOUS!

Veran's Robots Current Status - Exterminated

The Evil Author, under Veran's control, built eight new robots, six of which are depicted here. Of course, Sand Man is missing because his domain is the desert and there is no desert here. Camo Man is in some serious shizzy.

Omega Wubba Current Status - Vengeful to All Hell

Wubba was given the Omega title on a stupid move by PPM. This also made him both incredibly powerful and incredibly violent. He went on a killing spree after it was revealed that he was scammed out of total domination of the comic. He also killed PPM and Megaman. That Wubbs is one bad mother...

The Bit Part Guys
(In no particular order whatsoever)

Elecman Advance Current Status - Long gone.

He made his first and only appearance in the first Megaman game. A wicked powerful lightning attack was his weapon, but otherwise he was just a better-looking Elecman.

Feenix Current Status - In a shiny new body.

Based off of the Author's friend Ryan, Feenix started out appearing in quite a few comics. PPM gave him an appearance more similar to a phoenix before he sealed his fate and gave Wubba his Omega upgrade.

Blazeman Current Status - In a new metallicized body.

Zak, another one of the Author's friends, was the inspiration for Blazeman. He kicked Protoman in the face and presumably killed him.

Ran Current Status - Constantly deceased.

Doesn't appear all too often, but when he does, he dies shortly after. That's...erm...about it.

PPM-X's Essence Current Status - Long gone.

Appearing in a grand total of two strips, PPM-X's Essence possessed an old robot when his body was destroyed. This strengthened his rage and power.

Dynamo Model-X73H Current Status - Who cares?

Dynamo Model-X73H was the robot possessed by PPM-X's Essence. It apparently heightened his powers to the point of him reaching armageddon-like strengths.

David Anez Current Status - Managing his own comic.

He appeared during the PPM-X saga to help out PPM in defeating the great evil unleashed upon his world. Normally, however, Dave is the author of the very popular webcomic Bob and George, found at http://www.bobandgeorge.com.

Mike Current Status - Managing his own comic.

He's another one of the Author's friends, though barely as prominent as Feenix or Blazeman. His comic can be found at this page. He also was the one who raided PPM's Really Big Vault ®.

Wubba Current Status - Now Omega Wubba

Before he was turned into Omega Wubba, he was mild-mannered, if you could have called him that. Now you can call him "Badass" or, possibly, "Whitey Shaft".

Comics you're dumb
if you don't read.

Real Life
RPG World
Penny Arcade
Bob and George
Ozy and Millie
El Goonish Shive